Sunday Morning

Our Harvest celebration service

Our Sunday morning service starts at 10:30am and always ends with coffee, tea, juice and biscuits with plenty of time to chat and get to know other people. Our services always include worship, prayer, fellowship together, and Bible-based teaching from our minister, Matthew Scott, or another member of our congregation or sometimes a visitor from another church.

A service with Holy Communion is usually held on the third Sunday of the month. All who have asked Jesus in their life are welcomed and encouraged to share communion. From time to time, we hold evening services which offer alternative styles of worship which range from opportunities to seek God’s peace in trying circumstances through quiet reflection, through to more lively celebrations of God’s love!

If you are new to our church you’ll be greeted by a member of our Welcome Team who will be happy to answer any questions you may have and introduce you to other members of the congregation. They will give you an information pack that includes details on other activities we have during the week such as home groups. There’s also a card in this pack for you to provide our minister, Matthew, with more information about yourself should you wish to do so.

You can watch our Sunday Services HERE. They are normally available from later on Sunday afternoon.